Monday, March 1, 2010

Stillness as an antidote to overwork

Be still and receptive to life. The more still you can become, the more receptive you are, for it is in the stillness that you can hear My still, small voice. It is in the stillness that you become aware of My wonders all around you. You become very sensitive to the things that matter in life, and in this state of sensitivity doors can be flung wide open and anything can happen. You must seek and find periods of peace and stillness, no matter how busy a person you are, for they need not be long periods. You will find those few moments in silent communion with Me will work wonders in everything you do. Instead of rushing into a project, or doing something because it has to be done, your whole attitude towards whatever you undertake will be one of benediction, praise and thanksgiving. Because your attitude and approach are right, only the very best can come from it and bring blessings to all those souls concerned with it.

from Opening Doors Within, channeled guidance from Eileen Caddy

For more about Eileen Caddy, see: